Black Dress Digital 

Black Dress Digital is an Arts Council and Shape Arts funded, applied arts project. Black Dress Digital explores how codes of dress affect women’s lives both constraining and liberating them. The project has 3 strands: 


  • Dress/Accessory making & history of fashion workshops
  • Oral history archives 
  • Interactive performances



Black Dress Digital runs online dressmaking workshops where women can learn how to make their own dresses from scratch.


Through the exploration of the history of fashion, dress and accessory making workshops; women and girls are able to re-imagine and redefine notions of identity and style.


Black Dress Digital produces and perform online, interactive performances that interrogated societal/cultural rules and notions concerning clothing worn by women. 


We collated narratives about how codes of dress have affected women's and girls lives.


Project Mission

We create safe spaces to initiate conversations around notions of style, identity, representation and beauty for women and girls. We want to include as many people in this conversation as possible to begin to break down societal constrains that may exist.

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